Name: Alucard (Dracula)
Age: 567
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Affiliation: Hellsing Organization
Queen of England
Aliases: Ultimate Vampire
Bird of Hermes
Vlad Dracula III
Vlad Tepes
No-Life King
Vlad the Impaler
The Count
King of Vampires
The Impaling Prince
True immortal
Hellsing's trump card
Abilities: Immortality
Advanced Regeneration
Superhuman senses
Superhuman speed
Superhuman strength
Defiance/manipulation of gravity
Sharpshooting skills
Summons of familiars
Creation of fledgelings
Advanced Combat
Memory absorption (through victims' blood)
High resistance to most vampire weaknesses
(with Schrodinger's powers) Can spontaneously appear and disappear at will Unable to be killed as long as he wills it.
A primary main portogalist in the hellsing anime manga series. In the Hellsing Organization, he is the most powerful warrior serve in Sir Integra Hellsing, daughter of the owner Hellsing Organization. In the series, he’s the most powerful vampire and a servant of Sir Integra Hellsing and a long friend of butler Walter C. Dornez. He also has feelings of affection his fledgling in Seras Victoria.
Shortly after Abraham Van Helsing's death in 1989, Alucard was awakened and resuscitated by his daughter Integra's blood after she came to his cell and her shoulder was clipped by a bullet. Alucard then blocked and shredded a bullet Richard shot at Integra, allowing Integra the opportunity to kill her uncle. She killed Richard and became the head of the Hellsing Organization, and Alucard became her most loyal servant.There he met his fledgling Seras Victoria,and later encounters Alexander Anderson of the Iscariot Organization. Soon he has heard of Millennium returning and he is prepared to go to war against them.
*dressing a Victorian fashion
*wearing red fedora hat
*leather riding boots
*knotted red cravat covered by long red duster
*wire-frame red sunglasses with a goggle siding
*floppy brim and a pair of circular
*heavily tint and long heavier pistol
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Integra History
Sir Integra Hellsing is a 23-year-old British noblewoman and a member of the Protestant Knights who is the head and last member of the Hellsing family, the Bureau Director of the Hellsing Organization, and the current master of Hellsing's vampire, Alucard. Integra has a very collected attitude, rarely allowing her emotions to get in the way of business. However, she is sometimes prone to bouts of anger. As the Hellsing family is "on a mission from God," she values her duties to protect the United Kingdom, its Queen, and the Anglican Church above everything else. For her, failure is not tolerated, especially her own. She runs the Hellsing Organization with charisma and patriotism, and she is one of the few people who can stand up to the force of Alucard's personality and command his respect.
Born into the prestigious and mysterious Hellsing family, Integra has been sheltered and educated all her life to take the place of her father, Sir Arthur Hellsing, as Bureau Director of the Hellsing Organization. Integra's mother does not appear in her flashbacks, suggesting either that Integra never met the woman or that she died when Integra was very young. When she was 12 years old, Integra's father passed away and entrusted her with their family's mission to lead the Royal Protestant Knights and protect England, and asked his brother, Richard, to aid her.
Almost immediately after Arthur’s death, Richard Hellsing, jealous of Integra for inheriting the family headship, attempted to hunt her down and kill her. Integra escaped her traitorous uncle and managed to reach a dungeon in the mansion's sublevels, where her father had said she would find her salvation. Hoping to find a knight in shining armor, she stumbled across an old, dried-out corpse, instead. Richard found her, cornered her, and shot her in her shoulder, spilling her blood across the floor of the room. The corpse, actually a vampire whom Arthur had imprisoned 20 years earlier, awoke and licked up Integra's blood. Rejuvenated, it proceeded to kill her persecutors, thus saving her. Richard, desperate, attempted to kill Integra one last time, but the vampire blocked his bullet. Picking up a gun, Integra shot and killed her uncle, becoming the last descendent of the Hellsing bloodline. The vampire, whose name was Alucard, became her loyal servant.
Not long after, Integra was knighted and introduced to Vice Admiral Sir Shelby Penwood, a former friend of her father. Upon seeing Integra for the first time, Sir Penwood said that she was far too young to fulfill her duty. He revised his opinion during the actual storyline, in which he admitted that it was an honor to have met and served with her in his farewell message, prior to his death. His sacrifice was just one of the many examples that helped solidify Integra's resolution about humanity's worth and continue her duty.
Integra as a child was more timid than she is now, yet a very willful girl, being brought up with a commanding presence that even Alucard respects. She was forced to grow up quickly after her treacherous uncle tried to kill her. When Alucard became her servant, she grew more confident and comfortable with her position as head of the Hellsing family and a Knight of the Round Table. Much like Seras Victoria, Integra experiences a coming of age, gaining experience and losing her remaining innocence as events unfold and the war begins, transforming into a leader with an iron resolution who does not flinch at the first signs of danger and who gains wisdom through dire losses and betrayals. The Major recognizes her change from a "beautiful Fräulein" (he goes so far as to apologize for calling her this) to the most dangerous enemy who stands in the way of his plans, calling her forth into his Zeppelin.
Family Background:
Integra's known family includes Abraham Van Helsing, a Dutch metaphysican and philosopher and one of the main characters of Bram Stoker's Dracula, who was either her grandfather or her great-grandfather. Her father was Sir Arthur Hellsing, who died when she was 13 years old (12 years old in the manga), in 1989. Even though Integra had a far from normal childhood and did not go to school or a daycare, it was obvious that Arthur loved Integra very much, and wanted the best for her. It was from him that she inherited her current position as Bureau Director of the Hellsing Organization and her seat in the Convention of Twelve. Her uncle, Richard, sought to kill her and take the headship of the Hellsing family for himself. This was prevented by Alucard, when he blocked the bullet that was fired at Integra's face. Richard's exact motivations are unknown, though it is possible that he coveted the power and prestige of a seat in the Convention of Twelve. Another reason is hinted at in the OVA, in which her uncle continuously calls Integral "Fräulein". This indicates a possible connection to Millennium. Integra herself fired the bullet that killed Richard.
There is a general assumption that Integra is not of full European descent. Her skin color is a creamy brown, darker than that of many other characters. In a flashback in the anime(Order 10: Master of Monster), there is a photograph of →an infant Integra being held by a woman wearing a sari, suggesting that her mother might have been Indian or of Indian descent.
Friend at Organization:
Integra's relationship with Alucard is very complex, but they are nothing more than Master and Servant as stated by the creator himself. Integra has been connected to him for a decade, ever since her father's death, when she awakened him from his slumber in the basement of the Hellsing Manor (Volume 1 of the manga, Order 10: Master of Monster in the anime) and became his master. Over the years, Alucard has helped her to grow and mature. He has guided her into becoming a better leader, one that is worthy of his servitude. As such, Integra is the only person whom Alucard will obey. Integra is also the only person whose life and honor Alucard will bother to openly protect. For instance, in Volume 2, when Integra was insulted by Enrico Maxwell (who called her a sow), Alucard appears and threatens to kill Maxwell for daring to believe he could leave England alive after insulting his master. In Volume 8, Alucard addresses Integra with his own title, calling her "Count".
In addition to being her servant, Alucard could accurately be described as Integra's weapon, and she as his wielder. He makes it very clear in Volume 3 and again in Volume 8 that although he can kill in cold blood and feel no regret, it is her that must "pull the trigger". Integra worries about Alucard's actions, but trusts him with her orders, even though she sometimes has trouble understanding his true nature (Walter had to remind her in Volume 3 that "as far as monsters go, he is the genuine article"). In Volume 8, Integra welcomes him back with a smile and is moved to sadness, rather than shock, when he cried in chapter 72, Heart of Dreams, finally realizing what her father meant when he compared vampires to children crying out for death. In chapters 89-90; Integra has shown more emotion than she had ever, as Alucard was erased from existence. She was calling out to him and ordering him to listen to her and to indeed take her offer and stay with them, although Alucard had to dismiss it, and apoligized for not being able to be there anymore. In the last volume, Alucard only bothers to address his farewell to Integra, and the upsetting rage of losing Alucard along Major's own claims of "humanity" is what finally drives Integra to defeat Major, announcing over his agonizing remains that Alucard will return. In the finale, "Romancia," their feelings are explored in a similar fashion: they begin the series as master/servant, in the end, they end as equals in name (Counts), after a period of separation where Integra anxiously awaits for his homecoming.
Walter, the family butler had always been a dear and trustworthy figure for her, since she had been asking his opinions and help quite many times. Some instances, like in Volume 2, Walter looks to over protect Integra wanting to go against Islands' commands of shooting her own ghouled men by herself, others he just acts as a quiet figure who stands near in silent support while she takes her choices. An interesting dynamic is seen in volume 5, chapter 3 when she discusses various combat methods with him, contemplating suggestions about how to face the Eagle, a Millennium ship that is heading towards England. Moreover, in volume 6, chapter 2, she orders Walter to "come back alive at any cost" clearly showing her dear feelings for the aged butler.
Lately, Walter has become a traitor, since he was taken over by Millennium, a Nazi battalion, enemy to the Hellsing organization (though also believed he made the decision to go with the Millennium). After an inner struggle, she orders Alucard to kill him, because "our enemies must be annihilated, no matter who they are", even with the pain obvious on her face. Despite her hurt feelings, Integra marches along with Seras into the Zeppelin, dedicated to her duty, even if Walter betrayed her and the Hellsing organization with the resolution to kill Walter's new Master once and for all.
In the TV series, there had been a barrier between her and Seras, in the manga and OVA series however, they interact very well. Seras is dedicated to her and Integra herself trusts her and has expressed sympathy and care towards the young Draculina. Integra saves her life early in the series, in volume 1, shooting Anderson's bayonets just when he was going to strike her. Unlike Alucard, Integra does not only disapproves of Seras's berserker nature, but helps her to snap out of it when she falls in a trance in Volume 2. In chapter 26, D 2, seeing that Seras refuses to drink blood to sustain herself, Integra cuts her finger and orders Seras to lick the wound, lest it become infected. She created a situation by which Seras could feed and yet not feel she had succumbed to her thirst. Seras hesitantly obeys and feels "relief", as Integra says, having drank blood. Moreover, in chapter 57, Wizardry, Seras is the one who saves her from the Iscariot priests, creating a protective barrier around her with the shadow-shifting abilities of her left arm.
In chapter 82, Operation Wolf, Integra and Seras face the Captain. Seras suggests that Integra go on and confront their main enemy, Major Montana Max while she takes care of the Captain. Integra calls her by her name, obviously showing that she is worried about her and refuses to continue unless Seras ensures her that she will be all right. Even then, Integra says that she "won't forgive [her] if [she] dies".
Born into the prestigious and mysterious Hellsing family, Integra has been sheltered and educated all her life to take the place of her father, Sir Arthur Hellsing, as Bureau Director of the Hellsing Organization. Integra's mother does not appear in her flashbacks, suggesting either that Integra never met the woman or that she died when Integra was very young. When she was 12 years old, Integra's father passed away and entrusted her with their family's mission to lead the Royal Protestant Knights and protect England, and asked his brother, Richard, to aid her.
Almost immediately after Arthur’s death, Richard Hellsing, jealous of Integra for inheriting the family headship, attempted to hunt her down and kill her. Integra escaped her traitorous uncle and managed to reach a dungeon in the mansion's sublevels, where her father had said she would find her salvation. Hoping to find a knight in shining armor, she stumbled across an old, dried-out corpse, instead. Richard found her, cornered her, and shot her in her shoulder, spilling her blood across the floor of the room. The corpse, actually a vampire whom Arthur had imprisoned 20 years earlier, awoke and licked up Integra's blood. Rejuvenated, it proceeded to kill her persecutors, thus saving her. Richard, desperate, attempted to kill Integra one last time, but the vampire blocked his bullet. Picking up a gun, Integra shot and killed her uncle, becoming the last descendent of the Hellsing bloodline. The vampire, whose name was Alucard, became her loyal servant.
Not long after, Integra was knighted and introduced to Vice Admiral Sir Shelby Penwood, a former friend of her father. Upon seeing Integra for the first time, Sir Penwood said that she was far too young to fulfill her duty. He revised his opinion during the actual storyline, in which he admitted that it was an honor to have met and served with her in his farewell message, prior to his death. His sacrifice was just one of the many examples that helped solidify Integra's resolution about humanity's worth and continue her duty.
Integra as a child was more timid than she is now, yet a very willful girl, being brought up with a commanding presence that even Alucard respects. She was forced to grow up quickly after her treacherous uncle tried to kill her. When Alucard became her servant, she grew more confident and comfortable with her position as head of the Hellsing family and a Knight of the Round Table. Much like Seras Victoria, Integra experiences a coming of age, gaining experience and losing her remaining innocence as events unfold and the war begins, transforming into a leader with an iron resolution who does not flinch at the first signs of danger and who gains wisdom through dire losses and betrayals. The Major recognizes her change from a "beautiful Fräulein" (he goes so far as to apologize for calling her this) to the most dangerous enemy who stands in the way of his plans, calling her forth into his Zeppelin.
Family Background:
Integra's known family includes Abraham Van Helsing, a Dutch metaphysican and philosopher and one of the main characters of Bram Stoker's Dracula, who was either her grandfather or her great-grandfather. Her father was Sir Arthur Hellsing, who died when she was 13 years old (12 years old in the manga), in 1989. Even though Integra had a far from normal childhood and did not go to school or a daycare, it was obvious that Arthur loved Integra very much, and wanted the best for her. It was from him that she inherited her current position as Bureau Director of the Hellsing Organization and her seat in the Convention of Twelve. Her uncle, Richard, sought to kill her and take the headship of the Hellsing family for himself. This was prevented by Alucard, when he blocked the bullet that was fired at Integra's face. Richard's exact motivations are unknown, though it is possible that he coveted the power and prestige of a seat in the Convention of Twelve. Another reason is hinted at in the OVA, in which her uncle continuously calls Integral "Fräulein". This indicates a possible connection to Millennium. Integra herself fired the bullet that killed Richard.
There is a general assumption that Integra is not of full European descent. Her skin color is a creamy brown, darker than that of many other characters. In a flashback in the anime(Order 10: Master of Monster), there is a photograph of →an infant Integra being held by a woman wearing a sari, suggesting that her mother might have been Indian or of Indian descent.
Friend at Organization:
Integra's relationship with Alucard is very complex, but they are nothing more than Master and Servant as stated by the creator himself. Integra has been connected to him for a decade, ever since her father's death, when she awakened him from his slumber in the basement of the Hellsing Manor (Volume 1 of the manga, Order 10: Master of Monster in the anime) and became his master. Over the years, Alucard has helped her to grow and mature. He has guided her into becoming a better leader, one that is worthy of his servitude. As such, Integra is the only person whom Alucard will obey. Integra is also the only person whose life and honor Alucard will bother to openly protect. For instance, in Volume 2, when Integra was insulted by Enrico Maxwell (who called her a sow), Alucard appears and threatens to kill Maxwell for daring to believe he could leave England alive after insulting his master. In Volume 8, Alucard addresses Integra with his own title, calling her "Count".
In addition to being her servant, Alucard could accurately be described as Integra's weapon, and she as his wielder. He makes it very clear in Volume 3 and again in Volume 8 that although he can kill in cold blood and feel no regret, it is her that must "pull the trigger". Integra worries about Alucard's actions, but trusts him with her orders, even though she sometimes has trouble understanding his true nature (Walter had to remind her in Volume 3 that "as far as monsters go, he is the genuine article"). In Volume 8, Integra welcomes him back with a smile and is moved to sadness, rather than shock, when he cried in chapter 72, Heart of Dreams, finally realizing what her father meant when he compared vampires to children crying out for death. In chapters 89-90; Integra has shown more emotion than she had ever, as Alucard was erased from existence. She was calling out to him and ordering him to listen to her and to indeed take her offer and stay with them, although Alucard had to dismiss it, and apoligized for not being able to be there anymore. In the last volume, Alucard only bothers to address his farewell to Integra, and the upsetting rage of losing Alucard along Major's own claims of "humanity" is what finally drives Integra to defeat Major, announcing over his agonizing remains that Alucard will return. In the finale, "Romancia," their feelings are explored in a similar fashion: they begin the series as master/servant, in the end, they end as equals in name (Counts), after a period of separation where Integra anxiously awaits for his homecoming.
Walter, the family butler had always been a dear and trustworthy figure for her, since she had been asking his opinions and help quite many times. Some instances, like in Volume 2, Walter looks to over protect Integra wanting to go against Islands' commands of shooting her own ghouled men by herself, others he just acts as a quiet figure who stands near in silent support while she takes her choices. An interesting dynamic is seen in volume 5, chapter 3 when she discusses various combat methods with him, contemplating suggestions about how to face the Eagle, a Millennium ship that is heading towards England. Moreover, in volume 6, chapter 2, she orders Walter to "come back alive at any cost" clearly showing her dear feelings for the aged butler.
Lately, Walter has become a traitor, since he was taken over by Millennium, a Nazi battalion, enemy to the Hellsing organization (though also believed he made the decision to go with the Millennium). After an inner struggle, she orders Alucard to kill him, because "our enemies must be annihilated, no matter who they are", even with the pain obvious on her face. Despite her hurt feelings, Integra marches along with Seras into the Zeppelin, dedicated to her duty, even if Walter betrayed her and the Hellsing organization with the resolution to kill Walter's new Master once and for all.
In the TV series, there had been a barrier between her and Seras, in the manga and OVA series however, they interact very well. Seras is dedicated to her and Integra herself trusts her and has expressed sympathy and care towards the young Draculina. Integra saves her life early in the series, in volume 1, shooting Anderson's bayonets just when he was going to strike her. Unlike Alucard, Integra does not only disapproves of Seras's berserker nature, but helps her to snap out of it when she falls in a trance in Volume 2. In chapter 26, D 2, seeing that Seras refuses to drink blood to sustain herself, Integra cuts her finger and orders Seras to lick the wound, lest it become infected. She created a situation by which Seras could feed and yet not feel she had succumbed to her thirst. Seras hesitantly obeys and feels "relief", as Integra says, having drank blood. Moreover, in chapter 57, Wizardry, Seras is the one who saves her from the Iscariot priests, creating a protective barrier around her with the shadow-shifting abilities of her left arm.
In chapter 82, Operation Wolf, Integra and Seras face the Captain. Seras suggests that Integra go on and confront their main enemy, Major Montana Max while she takes care of the Captain. Integra calls her by her name, obviously showing that she is worried about her and refuses to continue unless Seras ensures her that she will be all right. Even then, Integra says that she "won't forgive [her] if [she] dies".
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Alucard History
Alucard was once known as Count Dracula, also known as Vlad III Dracula, the son of Vlad II Dracul. Born in 1431, he later became known Vlad Ţepeş ("Vlad the Impaler") and as Kazıklı Bey ("the Impaling Prince") by the Turks, gaining a fearsome reputation throughout the lands. He is arguably the first vampire that ever existed.
It is revealed in Alucard's flashback in Chapter 70 of Hellsing, Castlevania (2) that he was enslaved by Ottoman conquerors when he was a child and sodomized by a high ruler. During the whole ordeal, he defiantly clenched a silver cross. When he became the Voivode of Wallachia, he launched an all-out war on the Turks which devastated both sides. Eventually, his troops were defeated, his people were killed (although mostly executed by his own hands), and his homeland was set ablaze. Vlad himself was to be executed. However, before he was beheaded, he drank of the blood from the battlefield and became a true vampire. When he accepted the powers of darkness, the silver cross he had always carried with him shattered. Centuries later, in 1897, the events of Bram Stoker's Dracula unfold in the backstory of Hellsing. Abraham Van Helsing, Arthur Holmwood, Quincey Morris, and Jack Seward (Jonathan Harker, the last member of their group, is left out of the Hellsing version of the story) were able to defeat Count Dracula and kill those who served him.
He now goes by a new name, Alucard, as given to him by Arthur Hellsing, Integra's father. Alucard, along with a 14-year-old Walter C. Dornez, is sent on a mission to Warsaw, Poland, to stop Millennium's vampire production program. Decades later, in 1969, Alucard was imprisoned in a dungeon in Hellsing manor by Arthur. According to Sir Hugh Irons, Arthur Hellsing came to believe that Alucard was "too powerful a drug to be used as more than the occasional medicine.
Power Abilities:
Immortality:This ability is rather ambiguous, as Alucard himself has stated that immortality is a myth. However, what it most likely refers to is the human souls inside Alucard; it has been speculated that, when damaged with exceedingly holy weapons or a blow that might have killed or incapacitated him, is instead directed to his reservoir of souls. Though not directly the case, after Nail of Helena Anderson destroyed the rest of Level 0, Alucard was still able to regenerate on par with him. ( Which was on par with Alucard before releasing Level 0. This contradicts the souls being his supply of immortality and regeneration theory, because he had released every soul inside him to fight for, and with him, and yet was still able to regenerate, even after all the souls were defeated by Nail of Helena Anderson. It is apparent because after his duel with Walter, Alucard states he's now "hungry", and starts to absorb the dead city of London.
Regeneration: Alucard's ability to regenerate is considerably greater than any other vampire's. He has regenerated from a pool of blood and from being blown to shreds by gunfire, incinerated completely, etc. When damaged to an extreme extent, his body simply turns into a shadow-like substance and reconstitutes.
Superhuman Accuracy: Alucard has been known to hit targets at great range using handguns while looking the other way. He does this by using his so called 'third eye'. He states that "if you shoot like humans do, you'll only miss like they do.".
Superhuman Strength: The extent is unknown, but Alucard can physically rip humans and vampires apart with ease. He also ripped through Tubalcain Alhambra's card which was strong and dense enough to slice through uranium.
Superhuman Speed: He can move faster than can be seen, and is faster than Mach Speed.
Superhuman Reflexes: He caught a magic bullet within his mouth [which tore through an SR-71 (which is made of multiple alloys, including VARIOUS amounts of titanium) and crushed it within his teeth].
Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid objects.
Superhuman Agility: The ability to defy gravity to an uncertain limit. He is also seen leaping impossible distances and can go up vertical surfaces.
Shadow Manipulation: Manipulation of shadows into physical form.
Shape-Shifting: Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into bats, insects, snakes, hell hounds, other human forms including a little girl, an amorphous mass of darkness, and many other forms. Alucard has four known human forms, each with different characteristics and weapons. He also states that his form means nothing and that he can take any form that he chooses.
Weather Control: The ability to control the weather to an unknown limit, as demonstrated by the fog created when he returned to London aboard the H.M.S Eagle, although this might have been telekinesis.
Teleportation: The ability to dissappear and reappear somewhere else.
Telekinesis: In the manga, Alucard uses telekinesis to close a door on a fleeing swat officer, as well as throwing six or more other swat officers through glass doors and navigating them to flag poles where they are impaled. Alucard is later seen moving a broken down air-craft carrier from the Gulf of Italy to the Dover of London all in a little less than 40 minutes, only traveling at a few knots. Maxwell states that the air-craft carrier shouldn't be moving, and that he was amazed it was, especially since a recon jet ( the SR-71 ) was impaled in the air-craft carrier's flight-deck.
Telepathy: Alucard can speak telepathically to his fledgling.
Mind Reading
Mind Control and Hypnosis: (fans sometimes call it the "Sex Beam" after a remark from Pip).
Summoning: The ability to summon familiars, the souls of those whose blood he has sucked in a variety of forms that either sprout from his body or swarm around him as an army numbering in the millions. These familiars can also include animals such as horses and the weapons and abilities that the familiars possessed in life, but Alucard can only use this ability when control art restriction system level zero is released.
Blood Sucking: The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul and, consequently, their knowledge and memories. (He learns more about Millennium after absorbing Tubalcain.) He can also absorb blood through his clothes and skin, as he does with Luke Valentine's blood after his hell hound had eaten Luke's body.
Hibernation: Alucard is able to survive long periods of time without consuming blood, but is able to fight at a usual level of strength after drinking even the smallest bit of blood.
Immunity to Vampiric Weakness: His abilities and health are not in any way compromised by such things as sunlight or silver. In fact, it appears that the only weapons capable of harming him to any real extent are the most holy of Christian artifacts, such as Father Anderson after augmenting his abilities with Helena's Nail (a nail which was from the True Cross which crucified Jesus Christ and was blessed in his blood).
'Supernatural Sense': The ability to sense supernatural activity (In The Dawn, a prequel to Hellsing. Alucard knew the Captain was a werewolf the moment he saw him, and in the OVA, could see the blessings on Father Anderson's bayonets).
Combat Experience: In addition to his superhuman abilities, Alucard also possess centuries of combat experience. While he usually relies on crushing his opponents with sheer power, he does at times use strategy. When he fought Alhambra, Alucard used shadow duplicates to distract him, allowing Alucard to close the distance between them and deliver the death blow.
It is revealed in Alucard's flashback in Chapter 70 of Hellsing, Castlevania (2) that he was enslaved by Ottoman conquerors when he was a child and sodomized by a high ruler. During the whole ordeal, he defiantly clenched a silver cross. When he became the Voivode of Wallachia, he launched an all-out war on the Turks which devastated both sides. Eventually, his troops were defeated, his people were killed (although mostly executed by his own hands), and his homeland was set ablaze. Vlad himself was to be executed. However, before he was beheaded, he drank of the blood from the battlefield and became a true vampire. When he accepted the powers of darkness, the silver cross he had always carried with him shattered. Centuries later, in 1897, the events of Bram Stoker's Dracula unfold in the backstory of Hellsing. Abraham Van Helsing, Arthur Holmwood, Quincey Morris, and Jack Seward (Jonathan Harker, the last member of their group, is left out of the Hellsing version of the story) were able to defeat Count Dracula and kill those who served him.
He now goes by a new name, Alucard, as given to him by Arthur Hellsing, Integra's father. Alucard, along with a 14-year-old Walter C. Dornez, is sent on a mission to Warsaw, Poland, to stop Millennium's vampire production program. Decades later, in 1969, Alucard was imprisoned in a dungeon in Hellsing manor by Arthur. According to Sir Hugh Irons, Arthur Hellsing came to believe that Alucard was "too powerful a drug to be used as more than the occasional medicine.
Power Abilities:
Immortality:This ability is rather ambiguous, as Alucard himself has stated that immortality is a myth. However, what it most likely refers to is the human souls inside Alucard; it has been speculated that, when damaged with exceedingly holy weapons or a blow that might have killed or incapacitated him, is instead directed to his reservoir of souls. Though not directly the case, after Nail of Helena Anderson destroyed the rest of Level 0, Alucard was still able to regenerate on par with him. ( Which was on par with Alucard before releasing Level 0. This contradicts the souls being his supply of immortality and regeneration theory, because he had released every soul inside him to fight for, and with him, and yet was still able to regenerate, even after all the souls were defeated by Nail of Helena Anderson. It is apparent because after his duel with Walter, Alucard states he's now "hungry", and starts to absorb the dead city of London.
Regeneration: Alucard's ability to regenerate is considerably greater than any other vampire's. He has regenerated from a pool of blood and from being blown to shreds by gunfire, incinerated completely, etc. When damaged to an extreme extent, his body simply turns into a shadow-like substance and reconstitutes.
Superhuman Accuracy: Alucard has been known to hit targets at great range using handguns while looking the other way. He does this by using his so called 'third eye'. He states that "if you shoot like humans do, you'll only miss like they do.".
Superhuman Strength: The extent is unknown, but Alucard can physically rip humans and vampires apart with ease. He also ripped through Tubalcain Alhambra's card which was strong and dense enough to slice through uranium.
Superhuman Speed: He can move faster than can be seen, and is faster than Mach Speed.
Superhuman Reflexes: He caught a magic bullet within his mouth [which tore through an SR-71 (which is made of multiple alloys, including VARIOUS amounts of titanium) and crushed it within his teeth].
Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid objects.
Superhuman Agility: The ability to defy gravity to an uncertain limit. He is also seen leaping impossible distances and can go up vertical surfaces.
Shadow Manipulation: Manipulation of shadows into physical form.
Shape-Shifting: Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into bats, insects, snakes, hell hounds, other human forms including a little girl, an amorphous mass of darkness, and many other forms. Alucard has four known human forms, each with different characteristics and weapons. He also states that his form means nothing and that he can take any form that he chooses.
Weather Control: The ability to control the weather to an unknown limit, as demonstrated by the fog created when he returned to London aboard the H.M.S Eagle, although this might have been telekinesis.
Teleportation: The ability to dissappear and reappear somewhere else.
Telekinesis: In the manga, Alucard uses telekinesis to close a door on a fleeing swat officer, as well as throwing six or more other swat officers through glass doors and navigating them to flag poles where they are impaled. Alucard is later seen moving a broken down air-craft carrier from the Gulf of Italy to the Dover of London all in a little less than 40 minutes, only traveling at a few knots. Maxwell states that the air-craft carrier shouldn't be moving, and that he was amazed it was, especially since a recon jet ( the SR-71 ) was impaled in the air-craft carrier's flight-deck.
Telepathy: Alucard can speak telepathically to his fledgling.
Mind Reading
Mind Control and Hypnosis: (fans sometimes call it the "Sex Beam" after a remark from Pip).
Summoning: The ability to summon familiars, the souls of those whose blood he has sucked in a variety of forms that either sprout from his body or swarm around him as an army numbering in the millions. These familiars can also include animals such as horses and the weapons and abilities that the familiars possessed in life, but Alucard can only use this ability when control art restriction system level zero is released.
Blood Sucking: The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul and, consequently, their knowledge and memories. (He learns more about Millennium after absorbing Tubalcain.) He can also absorb blood through his clothes and skin, as he does with Luke Valentine's blood after his hell hound had eaten Luke's body.
Hibernation: Alucard is able to survive long periods of time without consuming blood, but is able to fight at a usual level of strength after drinking even the smallest bit of blood.
Immunity to Vampiric Weakness: His abilities and health are not in any way compromised by such things as sunlight or silver. In fact, it appears that the only weapons capable of harming him to any real extent are the most holy of Christian artifacts, such as Father Anderson after augmenting his abilities with Helena's Nail (a nail which was from the True Cross which crucified Jesus Christ and was blessed in his blood).
'Supernatural Sense': The ability to sense supernatural activity (In The Dawn, a prequel to Hellsing. Alucard knew the Captain was a werewolf the moment he saw him, and in the OVA, could see the blessings on Father Anderson's bayonets).
Combat Experience: In addition to his superhuman abilities, Alucard also possess centuries of combat experience. While he usually relies on crushing his opponents with sheer power, he does at times use strategy. When he fought Alhambra, Alucard used shadow duplicates to distract him, allowing Alucard to close the distance between them and deliver the death blow.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Seras Victoria

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire (Draculina)
Affiliation: Hellsing Organization
London Metropolitan Police (Former; Firearms Specialist)
Aliases: Police Girl
Abilities: Clairvoyance
Superhuman strength
Superhuman speed/reflexes
Advanced Marksmanship
Shapeshifting (as of Chapter 86)
Superhuman senses
Familiar summoning
Walter C. Dornez

Age: 69
Gender: Male
Species: Human, Later turned vampire
Affiliation: Hellsing Organization
Millennium Organisation
Alias: Angel of Death
Abilities: High agility and reflexes; skilled in combat with microfiliament wires (used in gloves) when turned vampire
Super strength
speed and stamina
can reverse aging
Sir Integra Hellsing

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species : Human
Alias : Sir Integra
Abilities: Sharpshooting
Occult Knowledge
Control over Alucard
Name In-title:
Integuraru Faruburuke Wingētsu Herushingu) is one of the main characters from the anime and manga series Hellsing. In both the TV series and OVA series, her Japanese voice is provided by Yoshiko Sakakibara and Kaori Mizuhashi (who plays young Integra), while her English voice in both is done by Victoria Harwood and Tricia Dickson (who also plays a young integra).
The manga and the OVA use Integra's full name, but it is shortened to "Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing" in the TV anime. Although the OVA version as well as the anime uses the first name Integra, the English adaption of the manga refers to Integra's full first name as Integral due to the extra -ru in the Japanese spelling. The main characters in particular call her Sir Integra (Alucard usually preferring to address her as "Master"), Integra being a nickname. Hellsing, as the bonus booklet included in the Japanese edition of the first Hellsing DVD reveals, is an acronym for "Her Royal England Legions of Legitimate Supernatural and Immortal Night Guard", as well as the protagonist of the 1897 novel Dracula. Wingates is a common English name.
As a member of the Royal Protestant Knights, she is designated with the title, "Sir", which has caused some confusion both within the anime and OVA universe and with fans, about Integral's gender. Whether the title is inherited from her father, in which case she is a rare hereditary baroness, remains a matter of speculation.
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